15 noviembre 2012



Octavio Kraus, Mr Kraus, the grandson of the brother of the world-famous Canarian-Spanish Opera singer Alfredo Kraus, has again surprised us with a new video-masterpiece dedicated to the also famous DJ David Guetta. 

From my point of view, the music is quite impressive and better than his previous works, and it even has a variety of sounds and rhythms that change more than in his initial or former records.

The video is for experts, for I cannot catch the significance of 'the walk and the music' at the same time. It has got a deep meaning, a relationship with the song, but this time I'm not able to get all the feelings that emerge from it.
If there's some Spanish-Canarian or English expert who could pay attention and watch to the entire video and music, please, leave me a comment and I'll be very thankful for it. I do not mean that it's meaningless at all, nope! But, on the other hand, I mean the masterpiece is much better than the others.
Perhaps, I'm not very keen on David Ghetta's performances or I'm not very inspired...
The most important is that the music keeps the line Octavio Kraus wants, but it's more 'jazz/chill-out' as he uses to define his style. This time I think he's reached that style more accurately than before.
Anyone can listen to it through this link: Octavio Kraus' Web Page (Rolling the Nut.)
He's also got a Facebook Link: Octavio Kraus' Facebook Profile.

P.S. Some Important facts about Mr Kraus' personality:Octavio Kraus is not like any of the other modern chill-out musicians. He's actually a very honest person who loves to work for Art's sake. Nevertheless, He would like to earn enough money, not to be rich (of that I'm sure), but for everyday life. Compared with any other Spanish musician, Mr Kraus, that is a very important fact and difference. He's honest and sincere.
Enjoy his music, as well as his Canarian human personality!

(c) Carlos G. Ferrera López
London, England.

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