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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta MUSIC. Mostrar todas las entradas

25 abril 2022

"Misterios de la moda"

Estaba comentando con una amiga que había vivido la época cuya canción y vídeo pueden observar. Lo descubrí en YouTube hace un par de días. Tras dos o tres veces de repetir y recordar la canción, me pregunté, al ver los planos individuales, cómo podía ser que las tres cantantes, las chicas principales del grupo, vistieran casi como salidas de la serie española "El Ministerio del Tiempo".
Mi amiga respondió que tal vez son las modas que se repiten. Yo voy más allá, pues quedé atónito con la imagen (ya que le envié solo la canción y no el vídeo).
Si pusiéramos este mismo vídeo en color, HD y en cualquier canal de los que abundan hoy en televisión, cualquiera pensaría que son tres señoras que se reunen para ir de compras, charlar, divertirse, ir a trabajar o simplemente darse una vuelta por los alrededores de cualquier ciudad de España, Europa o el mundo occidental.
Es más: si nos fijamos en las mechas de la que parece ser rubia, no tienen un toque muy rebuscado, con muchos retoques. Es un corte bien hecho e ignoro si permanente, pero como los de hoy.
Respecto a las otras dos, como la primera, con joyas normales, un collar corto plateado y pendientes normales. El corte de los trajes estampados pero no muy llamativos, pasarían totalmente desapercibidos pongamos, por una calle de la Gran Vía madrileña o por una calle cualquiera cercana al centro de Barcelona este junio de 2022.
Estoy hablando de un grupo mítico, La Compañía, que compuso en 1971 la archiconocida canción "El soldadito".
Este grupo fue el que luego derivó en "La pequeña compañía", mucho más conocido por sus canciones más desenfadadas y de Chachachá, sobre temas de clásicos americanos del sur o de alegres compases que duraron hasta bien entrados los años 80.

Editado por Lois Happy en Youtube, juzguen ustedes mismos a las tres cantantes, pues el elenco masculino concuerda con el año 1974 (más descuidado y más hippie). Opinen, ya que es una casualidad de las pocas que he visto en años. Puedo asegurar que esta vez sí sería aplicable el dicho frikie de que es un misterio para Íker Jiménez.

Tres amigas normales que salen bien vestidas, aunque les falte un bolso o alguna pertenencia más.
¿Y la canción "Adiós Jamaica"? La tenía grabada en un cassette y guardada, ya casi sin sonido y tiene más de 40 años. Lo asombroso es lo que acabo de contar.
Hasta los videoclips más avant-garde de EE.UU. de ese tiempo, muestran alguna vestimenta o chupa (=chaqueta) similar a la de este 2022, pero nunca había visto a tres mujeres tan bien ataviadas, que en su tiempo no sabían que podrían pasar por elegantes ciudadanas del siglo XXI ¿Tal vez faldas muy largas y mucho bordado? Hoy en día hay muchos gustos donde elegir. La historia de este país, no se parece a lo establecido, estoy muy convencido. Ver para creer.
Adelantadas a su tiempo, ¿se copiaron de alguna modelo o simplemente es una casualidad del año 1974 y del atrezzo? Necesito una explicación, pues no soy amigo de especular ni de crear falsas expectativas por pequeños misterios, que de eso tenemos de sobra. Tal vez RTVE tenga la respuesta.

La Compañía en La Alhambra de Granada.

¡Excelente youtuber, Suyay1!

30 octubre 2017

"Clásica 2" de M. López Benito.

Música Reservata
Música Reservata es un Podcast de Música Clásica que estoy escuchando este fin de mes. Se trata de un Podcast con matices educativos, enfocados al entretenimiento y la búsqueda de una música clásica y culta para el público mayor de edad y con determinados gustos musicales un poco más exquisitos que los del Blog en general (que es de corte educativo, también exquisito, pero más generalista).
Cada Podcast es ligero, agradable y ajustado al tiempo, por lo que para un oído exigente se le hará corto: consta de una breve introducción, biografía del músico o compositor elegido y un fragmento escogido como ejemplo. En definitiva, un delicioso y suntuoso manjar cultural, ahora que tan faltos estamos de estos postres enormemente caros, según mi parecer.

Enlace directo a Podcast de Barbara Strozzi

El gusto don Manuel López Benito va a dejar muy satisfecho o satisfecha al receptor de cada corte musical.
Además, el resto del Blog, seguirá teniendo los mismos contenidos de siempre, con la calidad de siempre y la dedicación que este músico tiene para con los contenidos populares, especiales, la cultura musical clásica o específica (Ópera) y todo ese mundo del que entiendo lo justo, pero que gracias a personas como él, llenan el gran vacío dejado por las radios de antaño (sobre todo las especializadas de la década de los 80 y 90).
Con estos párrafos simples pero expresivos, mi más sincera enhorabuena a M. López Benito por seguir esforzándose en difundir la música.

Enlace a Clásica 2

21 abril 2017

News about Suzie Quatro.

I was just revising this blog's design and contents. I read again my article about Suzie Quatro.
Fortunatelly, she has been interviewed in Studio 10, acting alive in the 2nd part.
I was afraid she could not reach the standards alive, but finally, she could, afters years being away from the scenario and doing a little effort to take a doctorate in music, apart from being very busy.
I remembered Bonnie Tyler (though it is not the same singer, I know), for both are sharp fighting spirits, that is to say, similar courage singers that know that age is nothing but an advantadge.
Suzie Quatro has a new CD, called QSP, with a long repertoire of new magnificent songs and also a 'book' with the album with the old ones.
She herself is the same woman, older, but the same voice somehow and the clear lady (now married and with many more experiences back, I suppose.) Nice, surprising, funny and someone interesting for the words she says.
Bravo, Suzie! Such a good example for the new generations and such a new look. Go on!
I leave here the main video from the TV she was interviewed for. I hope you rockers love this.

I recommend you fans of good music, to search the Web, specially Youtube: new videos about her  are online. Enjoy them!

23 agosto 2016

Wim Winters and the clavichord.

Mr Winters has personally ask their followers to write an essay about how they met him and tell about everything they wanted to via e-mail, for he is thinking to write a CD-Book next Christmas. I think it is an excellent idea, for Winters's main idea was to publish new records of his masterpieces.

I did not know who Mr Winters was until I watched his videos on Youtube. Before that, I was looking for some good music to concentrate in my studying.
I remembered that Bach's famous Fugue on Clavichord was a useful piece for concentration and that it existed on that instrument. I used to look for it in Spotify, but most of the results were piano pieces and I did not find what I was looking for.
When I found Wim Winters' music, I recognize I watched it just for pleasure and like Art itself.
Sometimes, he performed a concert in the clavichord and it made me felt astonished at what I was watching for the level of quality I thought it had. Then, there were some of his explanatory classes, when I realized that a piece could be done of different ways, deppending on the manner of playing the keys of the clavichord. I found it sounded delicious.
I actually like a lots of music, not only Classical or oldies (though I have a special sensibility for some of them) but I listen to rock, rock'and'roll, new styles, folk, pop, and my style is not fixed to the Classical music only, so this is why I appreciate what Mr Winters does more.
Nevertheless, his work has also something to do with Modern Literature, somehow: I've realized he had some sudden different ideas of the partita and related with the performance. he mixes them all, but then makes a serious notorious speech about the main theme, so One understands it, though, at first, it could seem to be difficult. I think this has to do with the art of teaching and some kind of passion for what he is doing. That is a strong feeling, indeed.
When I watch to his videos or when I listen to his clear and somehow up-to-date Classical music, I feel like if he touchs every group of notes on the pentagram. It is like when I imagined traveling in time and space one day I listened carefully to three or four of his oevres. That was like year, but I remember it like if it was today. It is the use of the space, the air, the essence of the old days what makes his music so special to the listeners, which are not a big amount, so one is able to catch the esssence of the clavichord, again, like it was perhaps in those ancient times... Isn't music something special? I think it is. Anyone can listen to it or can hear it, but it takes its time. That is what I felt listening to Wim Winters, a true artist.

I have chosen Beethoven Sonata 'Pathetique,' Opus 13. I know it will sound strong and somehow not easy for some ears, but I like to listen to it for it sounds different, original and new to me. I was actually very tired of the piano and quick performances, so I'm sorry for the most 'puritans,' let's say.

12 enero 2016

'Bowie's gone to Space'

I had found the entire album in a cassette my aunt had given me one day in the early 90s.
It was a collection of Bowie’s best classical songs. It was one of the first artists and musicians I understood and liked, listened to during autumn and winter time periods, and also shared with my colleagues in high school, when I had my first high speed double tape deck. It took a long time to make some copies, but I used to do my homework while I listened to that sound similar to “The laughing gnome”.
David had an awesome voice, good rhythm and an excellent repertoire, amongst many other unforgettable characteristics I have found recently via Youtube –through some videos I had never seen before, like those about Space Oddity-.
I had also watched a Sci-Fi film where he appeared as a fan's  phenomena (now it would be a super-friky phenomena for a few or perhaps for millions of followers, who knows).
In that movie, vampires, modern computers, special forces and the own UK’s government and its conspiracies took place at the same time. It was a quality good one for the time it was realized. If someone knows what was the title, please, remember me which was its title. Thanks!
Then, the ‘for-ever-in-my-mind’ childhood movie 'Labyrinth' (Jim Henson, 1986) where he holds that baby and cares for him, making his sister to be into a double labyrinth: her own and the unreal one; she and her brother’s love. I think Bowie didn’t expect to be so famous here.
Now, he has gone. He was such an artist! I can’t believe it. Anyways, 'she's got medals!' I listened to his album with enthusiam and delight, though it sounded 'heavy': I think he pronounced a very special English, with accents in its place, whilst the band was marching down the streets of London or any other city. Then, that feeling of being able to synchronize the voice with any instrument, sound, and having the ability for playing with his own image, breaking man vs woman prototypes, was incredible for me, when I watched some videos about Space Odity versions that never were put on TV. Magnificent. I din't know this great man was sick! 'Let's dance', nothing else to say. Rest in peace.

16 septiembre 2015

Suzi 4, The Rolling Stones and Totalitarism.

Last September, I was looking for some good music to listen to, when I heard something I was fascinated for: What it was?
It sounded like an old group of Rock-n-Roll or "Smooth Heavy". It was a rythmic music and a good voice recorded, but I didn't remember it or I had listened to it when I was a child , so I didn't know anything about that group.
They had a very good and modern way of dressing code that could be 90's or even nowadays if Suzie didn't wear that  metal collars and too much black. The drummer was also up-to-date. 
I thought they had all died. I thought 'perhaps they were famous and sold many LPs once a day,' but it was not true. The singer is still alive and was part of the group "Suzie Quatro." 
She's one of the most famous Rock'n'Roll girls. I didn't know anything, for new styles and years have become old-fashioned.

Suzie, the singer, is alive and still living in England. She recognizes it wasn't easy to have a role as a woman in Rock, but I realize she did it better than expected. Perhaps her family (with a father with a very good taste for Arts and who encouraged all the brothers when they were children to have their opportunity singing and making music was an extra point in her favour.)
I'm very happy with this meeting on the Web (not in time or in presence, but it's like this now.) Suzie Quatro is now one of my favourite modern &classical rock musicians-authors and I love her music.
I was writing this post, but had to turn 'youtube' suddenly off. A friend suggestted me to listen to some punk music and I couldn't stand its sound, so I have changed it to The Rolling Stones, which is a kind group I've heard to but never listened to, with detail, before.

The Rollings had a voice they could be proud of. What will be some new radios & TV (called new) be putting on air right now? I sometimes prefer not to know what the vacuum cleaner called Totalitarism Culture of Emptiness (that thing we can only find in the inner space, thousand kilometres away from the Earth) is broadcasting now. There are other channels, but I must pay and the rent is not fair.
I'll talk about of this very used word called Totalitarism in other posts . Jules Verne, e.g., mentioned it many times, for he had reasons to mention it when his time and environment started to change into a manipulated society he had expected.

03 septiembre 2015

Part 4th: Music as an Alter Ars. (Clavichord's Sound)

Recordings and Natural 'sound'.
Right now, I'm listening to a very interesting interview the musician and piano-clavichord player Wim Winters (who is doing  new recordings in AuthenticSound Project) made to Philip Newell, who lives in Vigo, Galicia, Spain.
Mr Newell is said to be one of the best technicians of our times, according to the interviewer, for he made recordings of rock and classical music like Mac Oldfield, Queen or Bernstein, amongst many others. 
Just listening to this video, I'm listening to the sounds they make in English and, for the knowledge I have in that language, I realize the recording is a high quality one: Each vowel, sound pattern and sentence is heard clearly. I'm using my earphones and a common computer like most of you must have, so I think some Digital Remastered pieces should be heard like this way.
When I listen or watch a video, the most important thing for me is not only a good quality image (just a clear one) but a high standard in sound.
We have an infinite numbers of digital microphones, mixers and tools, but sometimes the sound is not perceived the same it sounds. When it's changed for sounding better, the result is worst or not what we expected.
They are now explaining accurately how the sound moves in the air (that is what I have notion about, that is, phonetics-phonology.) 
I have used easy computer sound software for Podcasting, but I cannot remember well all the technical concepts. What I recognize is that nowadays, we have forgotten about 'the clear stereo natural sound' I can listen to here. 
Like Philip Newell underlines, it's something that goes with Art... From my point of view, it's something a music lover realizes listening old vinyls and CDs, or even new videos. One knows when the sound is special or not. 
I'm not fond on sound recording, technics or any of these. I'm just a radio listener and I like this. I realize what they say is trueth; like what I have thought for this last decade. There are many kind of new stuff there, but they do not remain the same. 

Subscribe to my blog:  GRAINS FROM THE UNIVERSE.

14 agosto 2015

2ª Parte: Music as an Alter Ars

My first blog post was in Spanish and it explained how Classical Music could be a new passion, as well as a kind of educative tool for anyone with some level of knowledge in music. I think nowadays, when we have reached some level of culture with some people which cannot access easily Classical Music, but, at the same time, is able to choose a varied kind of musical videos but with no explanation of what they are listening to or what kind of music they are watching (whether it is jazz, pop, rock, soul or any kind of a new piece of rap)this class of video can be the perfect solution.
I think old and new forms will reach each other and mix, not in form but in the net, like we can see a video about sciences or making a cake for a host.
In arts and culture in general, I think we should not give up and continue helping others, like children, other cultures and elders, for music (and Classical music in this case) is a divine art which is being substituted by common everyday noises.
We are human beings, so let's take a role and participate in this adventure, even if we are scientists, ITs, teachers, cleaners, taxi drivers, writers, unemployed, students, housewives, doctors, but, above all, web users. Spreading good music through the net, will help improve education and people's knowlegde, just like radio did in the past years.

Wim Winters' explanatory class.

11 febrero 2014

Películas para la primavera: "Cría Cuervos".

Cría Cuervos (Carlos Saura).
Son muy accesibles, dicen, las películas por Internet y ¡están desbancando al Arte, oh Dios Mío! Pues no. Con Cría Cuervos me las vi y me las deseé: Me costó muchísimo poderla ver. Tan sólo encontré en las redes muchísimas críticas y pareciera que estaba buscando material de muy alto secreto en vez de una de las mejores películas del cine español moderno.

Se trata de una excelente y muy original producción de principios de la Transición española.
Se entremezclan en este filme la inocencia y la pureza de los sentimientos de la infancia junto con la realidad, los sueños, la fatalidad del pasado, la enfermedad, el sexo y las ilusiones perdidas tanto por las luchas internas como externas de los seres humanos. También salen a la luz sentimientos muy reprimidos durante décadas de dictadura franquista en España, altas dosis de surrealismo -que se reflejan en las patas de gallina de la nevera según Wikipedia, cosa que dudo, pues se usarían para hacer un caldo de gallina-.
Hay una gran conexión intergeneracional entre los personajes que vivieron la Guerra Civil y el pasado y la nueva generación (las niñas), esto es, la generación de la Transición (años 70 y 80).
Es una película muy intuitiva y sentimental que respeta y admira la figura de los niños-as y el nuevo papel que habrá de jugar la mujer de la Transición Española.
Cuenta con un excelente elenco de actores y actrices, más el papel de la inolvidable Geraldine Chaplin (que hace de narradora omnisciente, de madre y de la niña 20 años después).
La banda sonora es incuestionablemente de muy alta calidad, pues se trata ni más ni menos que de la gran Jeanette Dimech (y su canción principal, "Por qué te vas"). Este hecho, hace que la película sea ya, de hecho, parte de la historia de España y de Europa.
En resumen, una película premiada y diría que algo subestimada (por olvidada y no comprendida entre los mejores) que debería estar en todas las filmotecas, de forma gratuita y bien explicada.
Nostálgica pero, a la vez muy reconciliadora y esperanzadora, pues se evita la lucha abierta entre los opuestos de siempre gracias al paso del tiempo, a los personajes secundarios y a las escenas.
Un apunte final: una película inimaginable sin su banda sonora y sin sus imágenes casi estáticas, planos excelentemente captados en la ciudad y un equipo excelente para la época en la que se realizó.

Por Qué Te Vas (Youtube)
Oye Papá, Oye Mamá (Youtube)
Look what they've done to my song. PicNic
Entrevista a Jeanette de Íñigo (Youtube)

15 noviembre 2012



Octavio Kraus, Mr Kraus, the grandson of the brother of the world-famous Canarian-Spanish Opera singer Alfredo Kraus, has again surprised us with a new video-masterpiece dedicated to the also famous DJ David Guetta. 

From my point of view, the music is quite impressive and better than his previous works, and it even has a variety of sounds and rhythms that change more than in his initial or former records.

The video is for experts, for I cannot catch the significance of 'the walk and the music' at the same time. It has got a deep meaning, a relationship with the song, but this time I'm not able to get all the feelings that emerge from it.
If there's some Spanish-Canarian or English expert who could pay attention and watch to the entire video and music, please, leave me a comment and I'll be very thankful for it. I do not mean that it's meaningless at all, nope! But, on the other hand, I mean the masterpiece is much better than the others.
Perhaps, I'm not very keen on David Ghetta's performances or I'm not very inspired...
The most important is that the music keeps the line Octavio Kraus wants, but it's more 'jazz/chill-out' as he uses to define his style. This time I think he's reached that style more accurately than before.
Anyone can listen to it through this link: Octavio Kraus' Web Page (Rolling the Nut.)
He's also got a Facebook Link: Octavio Kraus' Facebook Profile.

P.S. Some Important facts about Mr Kraus' personality:Octavio Kraus is not like any of the other modern chill-out musicians. He's actually a very honest person who loves to work for Art's sake. Nevertheless, He would like to earn enough money, not to be rich (of that I'm sure), but for everyday life. Compared with any other Spanish musician, Mr Kraus, that is a very important fact and difference. He's honest and sincere.
Enjoy his music, as well as his Canarian human personality!

(c) Carlos G. Ferrera López
London, England.

Entrada destacada

Suzi 4, The Rolling Stones and Totalitarism.

Last September, I was looking for some good music to listen to, when I heard something I was fascinated for: What it was? It sounded like...