20 abril 2024

POEM: "Nobody cares!"

 "Nobody cares!"

Thousands of dead bodies,
Cover the ways to the village,
Before were walked by men and women with children,
But now, nobody cares!

Hunger and sickness is making all them fragile,
Near the Southern border,
Here in Sudan, this big, important country,
But in the rest of the world?
Nobody cares!

They say, in that upper-class north World,
that a disaster is coming,
Will be perhaps the 3rd World War?
I do not know, dear, here,
Nobody cares!

Israel destroying Palestina or is it Iran?
Of that I'm not sure,
Here, nobody cares!

Russia against Ucrania?
Ucrania is in Europe?
I do not know, 
For here in the hell,
Nobody cares!

Make, my dear, this letter to arrive,
To the Pope, to the Devil,
I do not care,
What it is important is that
Nobody cares?

April 2024

Women making a queue for food from the UN

Entrada destacada

Suzi 4, The Rolling Stones and Totalitarism.

Last September, I was looking for some good music to listen to, when I heard something I was fascinated for: What it was? It sounded like...