Conocido de hace años,
Por las Redes, modernuras,
Un tal Íker Azkoitia, actor noble, reservado,
Que siempre veía llorando.
Me produjo tal tristeza,
Verlo actuar afectado,
Que le cogí tal cariño,
Cual si fuese como hermano,
-De tantos que tengo en Feisbuk-.
Es rubito y de ojos verdes,
Es casi medio canario,
Por las Redes, modernuras,
Un tal Íker Azkoitia, actor noble, reservado,
Que siempre veía llorando.
Me produjo tal tristeza,
Verlo actuar afectado,
Que le cogí tal cariño,
Cual si fuese como hermano,
-De tantos que tengo en Feisbuk-.
Es rubito y de ojos verdes,
Es casi medio canario,
Podría decirse que inglés,
No de raza muy sureña,
No por ello despechado,
Ni con los demás huraño.
Tiene pinta de galán,
Y a muchas novias engaña,
¡No se fíen del gatito,
Que con las patitas engaña,
A las chicas más bonitas,
Y luego con uñas araña!
Es persona muy sensible,
Y estos días cumple años,
Con este poema- retrato,
Le quiero dar un buen trato,
Y anunciarlo en cartelera,
Que del Teatro se trata.
¡Felicidades amigo,
Que muchos años cumpla usted,
Que regale buen talante,
Alegría y un abrazo!

In this poem I express my feelings for a 'friend' I met some years ago through 'Facebook', using a kind of verse similar to the original Canarian one. That's why I compare him to 'a Canarian boy' or even 'An English one...'
It would be like:
"From years ago known,
By the Web, how modern!
Someone called Iker, actor, nobleman, a bit shy,
Always watched him crying on the screen,
He made me felt so sad,
In his role of unhappy lover,
That somehow I felt he was in need of care,
And thought 'like-a-brother' he was for me,"
Then, I use a description, which could be simple nowadays, but was common both in Britain and Spain in the past for there were no photographs, but pictures.
I try to be like Sir Phillip Sidney (a nobleman), and also treat my friend as a noble and good friend.
In this way, it's my way of feeling. My best present for him in his birthday is to write him a Poem, and breaking all the rules of nowadays: just some easy words of 'happy birthday' or some pics from the Web and a message.
@ CGFL, 2021 -content revised and recovered-
No de raza muy sureña,
No por ello despechado,
Ni con los demás huraño.
Tiene pinta de galán,
Y a muchas novias engaña,
¡No se fíen del gatito,
Que con las patitas engaña,
A las chicas más bonitas,
Y luego con uñas araña!
Es persona muy sensible,
Y estos días cumple años,
Con este poema- retrato,
Le quiero dar un buen trato,
Y anunciarlo en cartelera,
Que del Teatro se trata.
¡Felicidades amigo,
Que muchos años cumpla usted,
Que regale buen talante,
Alegría y un abrazo!

In this poem I express my feelings for a 'friend' I met some years ago through 'Facebook', using a kind of verse similar to the original Canarian one. That's why I compare him to 'a Canarian boy' or even 'An English one...'
It would be like:
"From years ago known,
By the Web, how modern!
Someone called Iker, actor, nobleman, a bit shy,
Always watched him crying on the screen,
He made me felt so sad,
In his role of unhappy lover,
That somehow I felt he was in need of care,
And thought 'like-a-brother' he was for me,"
Then, I use a description, which could be simple nowadays, but was common both in Britain and Spain in the past for there were no photographs, but pictures.
I try to be like Sir Phillip Sidney (a nobleman), and also treat my friend as a noble and good friend.
In this way, it's my way of feeling. My best present for him in his birthday is to write him a Poem, and breaking all the rules of nowadays: just some easy words of 'happy birthday' or some pics from the Web and a message.
@ CGFL, 2021 -content revised and recovered-
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