MY ENGLISH LOVED VIRGINIA. Some words for you.Dear Virginia W.,
I bought your book, 'A Room Of One's Own' a month ago. I haven't finished it yet for the words it contains are brilliant. There is no doubt you were the writer, Mrs Woolf.
I'd already read about five or six biographies about you, some of them new ones, others old ones written by the most distingueshed critics in England and all over the world.
Right now, in the year 2012, nothing is clear. Your life and the words that you wrote remain alive, pure and real. Not as if you were a ghost. I don't mean so, no. You must be in Peace, with some Angel there in Heaven or wherever, I do not know.
Your ideas are quite the same today than when you wrote the book. Scientists say time is relative: It is, according to Einstein and according to Greek Philosophers who believed that everything was constantly changing. So it is. Sometimes things changes, but never as we expected.
Actually, I have to read your book in a quiet place, better in a room of my own, for in a train,
a wagon or a crowded place is quite impossible to understand. Your ideas, then, 'flow.'
Many important writers have given new visions to this country, others doesn't have the plumb importance critics say.
I started wondering what 'hither and thither' standed for: A nice and cultured man told me what it meant, and he pronounced the three words perfectly! He wanted to seem as his jobs' friends, for I had to ask him twice. He was a street cleaner, wearing his orange suit and boots, but then I realized what kind of English he was. Had he ever been in a public shool? Perhaps in a university? Why was not correct to answer a question about Literature?
All the prejudices and ideas I had before dissapeared. A door was opened. What you had written years and years ago was true! Now it was happening in all our society: not only women but men -and even some migrants who cannot demonstrate what they know-. Culture and Arts do not matter at all.
If you are closed in a room for a few hours you are not okay, but why?! Just for success and for business? Is that Culture, Arts, Human development? No, dear Virginia. You were okay.
Women can work nowadays, yes. How many of them will be prepared for being equal to other men, how many men?
I remembered your other essay 'On Not Knowing Greek' and I nodded. I know Spanish, English and French but nobody wants to learn, not even for free. Money, that powerful God together with some religions, obsesions and also obsesive sports... Fame, that kind of silly fame.
Carlos Ferrera Lopez
London, England, October 1st 2012.
Dedicated to Bloomsbury Area for them to remember Virginia Woolf, here and now.
I bought your book, 'A Room Of One's Own' a month ago. I haven't finished it yet for the words it contains are brilliant. There is no doubt you were the writer, Mrs Woolf.
I'd already read about five or six biographies about you, some of them new ones, others old ones written by the most distingueshed critics in England and all over the world.
Right now, in the year 2012, nothing is clear. Your life and the words that you wrote remain alive, pure and real. Not as if you were a ghost. I don't mean so, no. You must be in Peace, with some Angel there in Heaven or wherever, I do not know.
Your ideas are quite the same today than when you wrote the book. Scientists say time is relative: It is, according to Einstein and according to Greek Philosophers who believed that everything was constantly changing. So it is. Sometimes things changes, but never as we expected.
Actually, I have to read your book in a quiet place, better in a room of my own, for in a train,
a wagon or a crowded place is quite impossible to understand. Your ideas, then, 'flow.'
Many important writers have given new visions to this country, others doesn't have the plumb importance critics say.
I started wondering what 'hither and thither' standed for: A nice and cultured man told me what it meant, and he pronounced the three words perfectly! He wanted to seem as his jobs' friends, for I had to ask him twice. He was a street cleaner, wearing his orange suit and boots, but then I realized what kind of English he was. Had he ever been in a public shool? Perhaps in a university? Why was not correct to answer a question about Literature?
All the prejudices and ideas I had before dissapeared. A door was opened. What you had written years and years ago was true! Now it was happening in all our society: not only women but men -and even some migrants who cannot demonstrate what they know-. Culture and Arts do not matter at all.
If you are closed in a room for a few hours you are not okay, but why?! Just for success and for business? Is that Culture, Arts, Human development? No, dear Virginia. You were okay.
Women can work nowadays, yes. How many of them will be prepared for being equal to other men, how many men?
I remembered your other essay 'On Not Knowing Greek' and I nodded. I know Spanish, English and French but nobody wants to learn, not even for free. Money, that powerful God together with some religions, obsesions and also obsesive sports... Fame, that kind of silly fame.
Carlos Ferrera Lopez
London, England, October 1st 2012.
Dedicated to Bloomsbury Area for them to remember Virginia Woolf, here and now.